How to start a Bitnami stack at boot on Slackware

Bitnami stacks are a sort of self-contained sets of applications that allow you to run server-side software without touching anything on your operating system. After the installation procedure all the needed stuff is located into a folder which can be also relocated, if necessary. Bitnami logo In my opinion these kind of tools are very ...

Written by Cristiano

Vbox-autoinstall: an easy way to install Oracle VirtualBox on GNU/Linux Slackware 4

Hi folks! Last weekend I had to manually update VirtualBox on my laptop. As you can imagine, in these kind of situations my laziness takes over and then I almost suddenly start to think a smart way to get rid of the dirty job. So I ended up writing down a simple bash script to ...

Written by Cristiano

Kernel patches: added support for HTTP mirrors 2

In the previous post I talked about my attempt to create a script to automate the kernel patches installation procedure on Slackware (stable) and I reported the quick ‘n’ dirty instructions to run it, with also a video demonstration. A few time after, a dear friend tried the script and he pointed out to me ...

Written by Cristiano

New fresh SlackBuilds!

Here we are! In the last period, during my spare time, I worked on various SlackBuilds. The first of these is I-Nex, a system information tool like the well-known Windows software CPU-Z. I had to wait to build it because it requires libprocps which was not included before the version 14.2 of Slackware. The second one ...

Written by Cristiano

Ant buildfiles usage: a brief example 2

Hi folks! After a few months of inactivity I come back with a new post concerning the anatomy of an Ant buildfile. Ant buildfiles are written in XML and are mainly used to build Java applications. In this post I’ll explain step-by-step how to write a buildfile for a simple Java application (a simple Web server ...

Written by Cristiano

A way to extract the playback time from mpg123

In the last period I was working on a project concerning UPnP. In particular I was developing a “smart speaker”, a wireless speaker which plays mp3 files by streaming them from a NAS (UPnP media server). The code is written in Java and leans to mpg123, a real time CLI MPEG audio player/decoder. The hardware ...

Written by Cristiano

Sort tricks

This nice UNIX command allows you to sort the rows of a text file according to predetermined criteria. Let’s do a few simple examples. Imagine you have a text file called Data.txt structured as below: If you want to sort the rows according to the age (the second column), you can do it with sort ...

Written by Cristiano