Kernel patches: added support for HTTP mirrors 2

In the previous post I talked about my attempt to create a script to automate the kernel patches installation procedure on Slackware (stable) and I reported the quick ‘n’ dirty instructions to run it, with also a video demonstration. A few time after, a dear friend tried the script and he pointed out to me ...

Written by Cristiano

How to install kernel patches automatically on Slackware 4

For some strange reason, some time ago, I started to write down a simple Bash script that only detected the presence of new kernel patches on Slackware stable and installed the respective packages. Then I tried to improve it until I reached the actual version. I’m not so experienced in Bash scripting, but I decided ...

Written by Cristiano

A way to extract the playback time from mpg123

In the last period I was working on a project concerning UPnP. In particular I was developing a “smart speaker”, a wireless speaker which plays mp3 files by streaming them from a NAS (UPnP media server). The code is written in Java and leans to mpg123, a real time CLI MPEG audio player/decoder. The hardware ...

Written by Cristiano