About me

I am Cristiano Urban and I live in Gonars, near Udine (Italy). From an early age I have always loved computers. My first PC was equipped with an Intel Pentium MMX (166 MHz CPU clock frequency), 64 MB of RAM (upgraded), a 2GB hard disk and an S3 Virge graphics card with a few megabytes of memory.
I still remember when my father brought home one of the first versions of Mandrake Linux (n.k.a. OpenMandriva Linux). At that time that was one of the few Linux distros with a graphical installer.
I’m a staunch supporter of open source software. Although I discovered Linux in early age, Slackware has been my “first love”.
Despite studies in electronic engineering occupy most of my time, as soon as I can, I try to immerse myself in nature. I love jogging and cycling. I also like to play football.
About this blog
My first goal is to write articles of technical nature concerning computer science, electronics and other topics, in a simple way as possible. However, enough space in this blog will be dedicated to fun and relax.
I think there will be the possibility to have some contributions by external users.
I still don’t know if I’ll write some articles in italian, I’ll decide road doing.
I hope you’ll appreciate our work. Enjoy!
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