Upgraded packages for Slackware 14.2

Slackware 14.2 has been finally released, so I decided to (re)create some new prebuilt packages for this version. The packages (for which I also maintain the SlackBuild scripts at SlackBuilds.org) are libcpuid, libmseed and packETH. As usual, the packages are available for both 32 and 64 bit versions of Slackware and you can find them into ...

Written by Cristiano

libcpuid SlackBuild updated and new SlackBuild for libmseed

A few news for this week. I’ve upgraded the libcpuid SlackBuild for version 0.2.2. You can find it on SlackBuilds.org. The procedure to build the package is the same as described into the second-last post of this blog. In addition I’ve created the SlackBuild script for libmseed. The Mini-SEED library provides a framework for manipulation ...

Written by Cristiano