httpd Docker container issue: a possible workaround 2

Last week I was deploying some Docker containers on a staging virtual machine and I faced an issue with a httpd:2.4 Docker image. The container started and then immediately exited with code 0. All containers worked fine, but the only one running httpd for some reason failed. The docker logs command showed something like this: ...

Written by Cristiano

LILO fails to install on Slackware 15.0

Some days ago I tried the new version of Slackware on my desktop (dual boot with Windows 10) and during the installation I ran into the following error: The key of the problem was all in the statement: Fatal: open /dev/nvm: No such file or directory Investigating the content of /etc/lilo.conf I found a quirk ...

Written by Cristiano

Wireless access point with Zeroshell and Raspberry Pi

A few days ago my powerline definitely died, so I had to set up a very basic wireless access point using Zeroshell and my Raspberry Pi. As you know, the version 3 of this device comes with built-in wireless capabilities. In this article I will briefly explain all the necessary steps to create the access ...

Written by Cristiano

New GitHub account and some SlackBuilds updated

As I said in the previous post, I was in doubt regarding the fact of continuing or not to provide prebuilt packages. Nowadays there are more tools that help Slackware users with the installation of third-party software, compared to the past. This applies both to the installation via SlackBuild scripts and the one from prebuilt ...

Written by Cristiano

New fresh SlackBuilds!

Here we are! In the last period, during my spare time, I worked on various SlackBuilds. The first of these is I-Nex, a system information tool like the well-known Windows software CPU-Z. I had to wait to build it because it requires libprocps which was not included before the version 14.2 of Slackware. The second one ...

Written by Cristiano

Upgraded packages for Slackware 14.2

Slackware 14.2 has been finally released, so I decided to (re)create some new prebuilt packages for this version. The packages (for which I also maintain the SlackBuild scripts at are libcpuid, libmseed and packETH. As usual, the packages are available for both 32 and 64 bit versions of Slackware and you can find them into ...

Written by Cristiano

Virtual disk data recovery

The last weekend was terrible. On Friday evening I was writing some VHDL code for a small project and testing step-by-step all the stuff through a VHDL simulator running on Windows. Obviously, to do this I used a VirtualBox virtual machine, since my host OS is a Linux distro. Once I finished to work I simply ...

Written by Cristiano

Ant buildfiles usage: a brief example 2

Hi folks! After a few months of inactivity I come back with a new post concerning the anatomy of an Ant buildfile. Ant buildfiles are written in XML and are mainly used to build Java applications. In this post I’ll explain step-by-step how to write a buildfile for a simple Java application (a simple Web server ...

Written by Cristiano

A way to extract the playback time from mpg123

In the last period I was working on a project concerning UPnP. In particular I was developing a “smart speaker”, a wireless speaker which plays mp3 files by streaming them from a NAS (UPnP media server). The code is written in Java and leans to mpg123, a real time CLI MPEG audio player/decoder. The hardware ...

Written by Cristiano

Upgrade to PHP 5.6.2

In the last days I was trying to create some packages for Slackware 14.1. I’ve created two virtual machines with VirtualBox, one for the 32 bit version and the other for the 64 bit version. These VMs have a clean Slackware installation and are intended to be used only for building packages. I’ve configured slackpkg ...

Written by Cristiano